Blogs » Arts & Handmade Crafts » D2R 2.5 Poison Necromancer Build Guide - Best Poison Nova Necro

D2R 2.5 Poison Necromancer Build Guide - Best Poison Nova Necro

  • In Diablo 2 Resurrected, the Poison Nova Necromancer build is a hidden gem among the Necromancer builds. You can buy D2R Items For Sale from MMOSO with fast delivery. In patch D2R 2.5, the introduction of the new Poison sundering charm The Rotting Fissure has great synergy with the Poison Nova build, and combined with the flexible corpse explosion skill and the tremendous Curses utility, this build turns into one of the best Magic Find builds in the game. In this guide, we'll take you through the best Poison Nova Necro build in Diablo 2 Resurrection 2.5.



    D2R 2.5 Poison Nova Necro Strengths & Weaknesses


    Strengths of the Poison Nova Necromancer


    Unique playstyle


    High multi-target clear speed


    One of the best Magic Find builds in the game


    Superb gear scaling


    High flexibility regarding Monster Immunities



    Weaknesses of the Poison Nova Necromancer


    Average single-target damage


    Low boss damage because of how poison damage canceling by army


    Should not be used as a low-leveling or budget build (start at ~35)



    Diablo 2 Resurrected 2.5 Poison Nova Necromancer Skills




    Clay Golem 1 point


    Skeleton Mastery 2 points


    Golem Mastery 1point


    Summon Resist 1 point



    Poison and Bone:


    Poison Nova 20 points


    Poison Explosion 20 points


    Poison Dagger 20 points


    Teeth 1 point


    Corpse Explosion 1 point ,


    Bone Armor 1 point





    Lower Resist 20 points


    Amplify Damage 1 point


    Iron Maiden 1 point


    Life Tap 1 point


    Weaken 1 point


    Terror 1 point


    Decrepify 1



    Diablo 2 Resurrected 2.5 Poison Nova Necro Stats


    Strength: Meet Gear Requirements


    Dexterity: Meet Requirements


    Vitality: All remaining points


    Energy: Nothing



    Diablo 2 Resurrected 2.5 Poison Nova Necro Gears


    Weapons: Death's Web


    Shield: Homunculus, Trang-Oul's Wing


    Helm: Lore, Crown of Ages


    Armor: Enigma, Bone


    Amulet: Mara's Kaleidoscope


    Belt: Arachnid Mesh, Verdungo's Hearty Cord


    Boots: Sandstorm Trek, Marrowalk


    Gloves: Trang-Oul's Claws


    Rings: Stone of Jordan, Bul-Kathos' Wedding Band


    Charms: Hellfire Torch, Annihilus, The Rotting Fissure



    Diablo 2 Resurrected 2.5 Poison Nova Necro Mercenary


    Helm: Andariel's Visage


    Body Armor: Fortitude


    Weapons: Infinity


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