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This means that the boxes aren't able altered

  • Once you're inside your "Hotkeys" menu, scroll down to Lost Ark Boosting the section known as "Basic Controls." If you take a look over, you'll find two red boxes , each with an icon of the mouse inside of them. You'll also see an icon that locks these boxes. This means that the boxes aren't able altered.

    But even though your mouse's controls are locked, don't fret, you'll be in a position to explore your settings further and will see an option for "Attack using Right-click" just a few lines down. Switch this box on or off, depending on which mouse button you prefer users to click with.

    If you select the "Attack with right-click" option is switched on, you'll navigate, interact, and interact with items by using your left mouse. If it's disabled and you're using the left-click for attacking and right-click to do the rest.

    First things you'll do when laying out your control strategy when playing Lost Ark is deciding whether you'd prefer to use left-click or right-click as the standard attack button. Even though this decision might appear permanent initially, due to the way in which some of the game's options are laid out, there are options to change your mouse controls in your in-game options.

    In actual fact, Lost Ark has a quite extensive system that permits players to cheap Lost Ark Gold set up their hotkeys and modify the way they play based on different kinds of gameplay. Still, mouse controls are more difficult than the majority of hotkeys for optimizing.